Follows the adventures Sung Jinwoo in a world that is constantly threatened by monsters and the evil forces. In his battles Sung transforms himself from weakest hunter of all mankind to one of the strongest hunters in existence.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

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Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Rating: 8.3/10

A boy swallows a cursed talisman the finger of a demon - and becomes cursed himself. He enters a shaman's school to be able to locate the demon's other body parts and thus exorcise himself.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

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Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Rating: 8.6/10

A boy swallows a cursed talisman - the finger of a demon - and becomes cursed himself.
He enters a shaman's school to be able to locate the demon's other body parts and thus
exorcise himself.

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